Swimming pool "Lazurnyi" Slavutych City, Kyiv region

Public swimming pool "Lazurnyi" is visited by 100-150 people per day. There are pupils' competitions, sportsmen' trainings and health group here. Pool deck volume is 450 m3.
Before reconstruction of the water disinfection system the imported hypochlorite of "A" mark was used in the pool. This caused the late delivery by supplier, fast solution degradation, need for special rooms for hypochlorite storage, water pipes and equipment quick corrosion etc.
ONIKO Company has made the reconstruction of water disinfection systems of the swimming pool.
The reconstruction comprised installation of MIOX AE-4 mixed oxidants production system with their further dosage into the swimming pool water being treated.
Mixed oxidants are produced by sodium chloride electrolysis method.
Mixed oxidants have several advantages over other disinfectants
- They disinfect the water more quickly and effectively in the same volume of active chlorine due to the presence of other oxidants beside chlorine in the solution which is especially manifested in the warm water.
- Mixed oxidants effectively remove the biofilm appearing on the swimming pool walls and the water gets transparent.
- There is no need in shock chlorination and biofilm removal from the swimming pool walls at mixed oxidants disinfection usage.
MIOX АЕ-4 system:
System capacity - 1,8 kg equivalent to Cl2 per 24 hours
Dosage method - into circulation system
Chlorine residual in the swimming pool deck - 0,5-0,7 mg/dm3
Dosage system - semi-automatic (in flow)
Raw materials stock (salt) - up to 5 months
Salt volume in salt dissolver - for 30 days
Mixed oxidants volume in storage tank - for 24 hours