Intended use – for floors, walls, furniture, inventory, rubber mats, metal and plastic containers;
Volume – 5 litres;
Manufacturer – ОNIKO PE, Ukraine;
Area of application – food production enterprises, communal facilities, domestic service providers, public catering enterprises, hotels, offices, industrial manufacturing, medical institutions, household purposes;
Type of agent – detergent, disinfectant;
Composition – surface-active substances not more than 10% (anionic surface-active substances and non-ionic surface-active substances), complexing agent, sodium hypochlorite not more than 0.4%, dye, flavour, prepared water;
Odour – Fresh.
ONIKO Professional Detergent is intended for washing floors and walls in rooms, hard furniture, sanitary equipment, rubber mats during daily and general cleaning in child care facilities, communal facilities (hotels, hostels, hairdressing salons, public toilets, etc.), cultural, recreational and sports institutions (cinemas, offices, sports and cultural and recreational complexes, swimming pools, etc.), public catering and trade enterprises, food production enterprises, medical institutions and by population in everyday life.
ONIKO Detergent is highly concentrated weakly alkaline and slightly foaming detergent, which is an optimized mixture of surface-active substances and complexing substances, water-soluble, biodegradable and with active chlorine.
Terms and conditions of safe and effective use, special precautions – dissolve the detergent in water in the ratio of 1 to 80 (12 mL of concentrate per 1 L of water) and clean the surface with ready work solution. The agent does not require further flushing with water or wiping surface completely dry. If the surface is very dirty – apply the agent directly on the surface or on the sponge and wipe. For painted and varnished surfaces, use dissolved agent only.
Wear protective gloves during work with the agent. Do not use with other agents. In case of contact with eyes, rinse thoroughly with plenty of clean water. If necessary, in case of inflammation, seek medical advice.
Terms and conditions of safe storage – Keep out of reach of children. Store in the original container in the covered warehouse protected from moisture and direct sunlight, away from sources of open fire and heat at the temperature of 0°C to +40°C.
Terms and conditions of transportation – Transportation of ONIKO Professional Detergent is possible with all types of land, water and air transport in the original packaging of the manufacturer in accordance with the shipping rules, applicable to each type of transport and guaranteeing the preservation of agent and containers.
Transportation is possible at the temperature of 0°С to +40°С.
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Действительно классная штучка, дешево и можно долго пользоваться. И самое главное 2 в 1. Дезинфекция и полы от грязи отмыли!
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