+44 (0) 800 123 4567 No.1 Abbey Road London, W1 ECH, UK
  • ON-RP118 X-ray protective Мask for CT examinations

ON-RP118 X-ray protective Мask for CT examinations

Everyone knows that CT examinations have a relatively high radiation dose in comparison to conventional X-ray examinations. The skull examination or cranial computed tomography is the most frequently performed sectional image diagnostics. In particular, the eyes of the patient are exposed to a high radiation dose, which can cause dangerous after-effects for the sensitive organ.

Protecting the eyes from harmful CT radiation can significantly reduce the radiation risk to the eyes. The main and only most effective method of protection during CT diagnostics today is the use X-Ray screens to protect the eyes, thyroid and mammary glands, and gonads.

ON-RP118 X-ray protective Mask for CT examinations is an effective device for protecting the soft tissues of the patient's head, in particular the eyes, from X-ray radiation during CT examinations. These masks have a universal size, reusable and have a washable surface that can be treated with disinfectants.

The main shielding component of the mask is tested for compliance with the European standard EN 61331-1:2014 Protective devices against diagnostic medical X-radiation - Part 1: Determination of attenuation properties of materials (tested to EN 61331-1:2014 using inverse wide beam geometry by the independent UK National Physical Laboratory).

An X-ray protective Mask is placed on the bridge of the patient's nose, who is lying in the horizontal position of the CT scanner. Check that the shielding part of the mask lies flat over the patient's closed eyes. To ensure the best fit to the patient's head, it is recommended to use hypoallergenic medical tape.


  • Latex free
  • Lead free
  • Reusable
  • Can be disinfected
  • Available in one of 10 exterior coating colors

Lead equivalent: 0.5 mm or 0.75 mm

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