CPR & Airway Management Full-body Manikin
This adult manikin is a great trainer for introductory as well as advanced students. Manikin simulates a nonanesthetized patient for practicing intubation, ventilation, suction, and CPR techniques. Realistic anatomy and landmarks include teeth, tongue, oral and nasal pharynx, larynx, epiglottis, arytenoids, false cords, true vocal cords, trachea, lungs, esophagus, and stomach.
Airway Management
• Compatible airway management devices include E.T., E.O.A., P.T.L., L.M.A., E.G.T.A., Combitube®, and King System
• Cricoid cartilage allows to practice of Sellik maneuver
• Oral, nasal and digital intubation
• Palpable carotid pulse (manual)
• Realistic anatomical features
• Separate left and right lungs for auscultation
• Suction techniques and proper cuff inflation may also be practiced and evaluated
•Fully articulated head, neck and jaw
•Jaw trust
•Pliable abdomen for obstructed airway procedure
•Palpable landmarks for hand placement
•Xiphoid, navel, nipples, and rib cage landmarks
•Enables accurate and effective training and assessment
•Provides real-time feedback and a realistic interface
•Perform compressions, ventilations, or both
•Control up to 6 manikins at a time
•Digitally saves all training and assessment data
•Online LMS available