DR 100e Compact, mobile X-ray unit
DR 100e Compact, mobile X-ray unit
With its powerful generator power, compact size and flexible handling, the DR 100e offers clinics and hospitals a cost-effective, high quality X-ray solution that maximizes patient comfort and performance.
Not all patients who need imaging exams have the mobility to move to the X-ray room or to position themselves properly for optimum imaging. With the compact, wheeled DR 100e, every hospital, whatever its budget, can take imaging to the patient – instead of the other way around!
The DR 100e can handle a broad range of general radiography X-ray studies, using either computed radiography cassettes (CR) or film. The compact unit fits down narrow corridors and in small spaces, making it ideal for the ICU or bedside imaging. It supports your radiology department’s goal to continuously enhance patient comfort and performance.

Easy handling for convenient radiology exams
The small width of the DR 100e allows convenient handling around the patient, even in very confined areas. It can be positioned precisely and safely whether the patient is sitting, standing or lying down, for greater patient comfort.
The DR 100e comes with a choice of a fixed or rotating column, offering maximum handling flexibility for every budget. The convenient handling capabilities reduce patient waiting times and increase diagnostic confidence.

CR or film: high quality imaging
The DR 100e supports both a CR and screen film workflow. You can use it to make, process and view X-ray images of the skeleton (including skull, spinal column and extremities), chest, abdomen and other body parts on adult, pediatric or neonatal patients, optimizing your investment and productivity.
And the DR 100e offers your hospital a path to direct radiography (DR), at your own pace.