DX-D 100 Mobile DR solution
Patients who most need imaging exams may lack the mobility necessary to move to the X-ray room or to position themselves properly for optimum imaging. This is where Agfa mobile DX-D 100 comes into its own.
Designed for mobile use, DX-D 100 can handle a broad range of general radiography X-ray studies, even for the least mobile patients. The very short exposure time means images are available immediately and can be validated straight away after exposure. The higher productivity and image quality translate into lower cost per exam and higher diagnostic efficiency.
What’s more, the higher image quality also means potential dose reduction for patients and operators. With superb handling capabilities it reduces patient waiting times and increases diagnostic confidence. The DX-D 100 further answers the need for constant enhancement of patient comfort and performance of your radiology department.

On the go: easy handling for radiology exams
The DX-D 100 has been designed to offer full mobility combined with excellent image quality, using a DX-D 20 portable DR detector. The large servo driven wheels and small width of the unit ensure effortless handling of the DX-D 100 around the patient, even in very small areas.
View images immediately after exposure
Thanks to the very fast preview times, images can be viewed immediately. Therefore you can verify right away that no retake is necessary, without moving the patient or the DX-D 100. But you don’t have to trade quality for speed and portability: 139 micron pixels give you the high resolution of a full-size a-Si detector, at the patient’s bedside.
MUSICA2: tuned for the best results
The ‘gold standard’ MUSICA2 image processing has been specially adapted and tuned to further enhance the excellent DR image quality. Exam-independent, it ensures consistent image quality and high contrast detail. The superior image quality also gives the potential for significant dose reduction, especially important in pediatrics and neonatal.
The intuitive NX workstation: a more efficient workflow
The DX-D 100 has an integrated NX workstation, for an optimal workflow. When a specific type of exam is selected, the appropriate X-ray settings are automatically transferred to the X-ray generator and displayed on the touch-screen console. NX adds the exposure parameters used to the digital image file, and communicates seamlessly with PACS, HIS and RIS, eliminating manual data entry and typographical errors.
A quick and easy way to go Direct Digital!
With the DX-D 100, you can enjoy the productivity benefits of Direct Digital, including a lower cost per exam. The immediate image acquisition permits a faster exam time, with improved operator productivity and patient comfort. Patients also benefit from shorter waiting times, higher diagnostic confidence and lower doses.